eXpreso™ EFLX Compiler
Synthesis Options
Our compiler comes integrated with your choice of Synopsys Synplify or Yosys.
Or our compiler can work with your copy of Synplify.
Most customers prefer Synplify because it works better on large designs and generally delivers better results.
But some customers prefer Yosys for smaller designs and because it can be used without a license server (especially for our customers who distribute our tools to their customers).
EFLX Compiler Evaluation
EFLX Compiler Evaluation
The EFLX Compiler is available for all of the process nodes we have completed GDS designs for: 40/28/22/16/12/7 nm.
We can enable you to evaluate our software at no cost so you can run your Verilog RTL designs on the compiler for the node you want to see density and performance for and process/voltage/temperature corner supported by the standard cell library.
Our Solutions Architecture team can work with you to give you a tutorial on the tools; show you how to run the numerous example designs we send with the compiler; and how to use the tools to complete your evaluation quickly.
Contact us at info@flex-logix.com to request a software evaluation license for our EFLX Compiler.
Integrate our SW in your tool chain
Enable Your Customers to Program Your SoC
Many of our customers want to enable their customers to program the eFPGA in the SoC.
We are doing this now with Renesas’ ForgeFPGA for example where their GUI interface is built on top of our EFLX Compiler using Yosys for synthesis.
We can enable you in the same way with Yosys or Synplify.
Partionable FPGA allows you to give them libraries of subroutines that are pre-compiled so it’s easier for them to program. Or you can give them some modules like UARTs/SPIs and let them program other blocks without your code and theirs interacting.